A New Home

As you may know, I have been packing in preparation for our move in a few weeks.  Because we are downsizing (Yay!) I am also relentlessly, obsessively purging.  It is SO freeing, yet humbling.

I mean, why do I keep ALL THIS STUFF?

In the midst of all the preparations, my kids have been on break this week.  Though we homeschool four out of five of them we try to follow the breaks of our local schools so they can have lots of time with their friends who go to “brick and mortar” schools.  That means, while packing, I’ve also had time to think.  A rare commodity in recent years.

While packing and cleaning and driving loads of unneeded items to Goodwill I’ve been overwhelmed with the realization of my need, and the need of most of my friends, to simplify.  Moving creates the opportunity to do that in a big way, but what about those who are not moving?  And it’s not just about getting rid of stuff.  What about the frivolous activities that suck time from our day?  Or the mental and spiritual clutter that causes to live in a fog?  The need is great, and I believe we can better simplify life and find joy together…in community..

So, I created my new website,  A Life of Simple Joys!  I could not be more excited!  For years I have prayed for direction, wanting to develop a website that would foster community and allow me to encourage you while I am still in the process of figuring things out myself.  We need each other!  And this will be a wonderful way to accomplish that dream.

So I invite you to join me.  The blog is in it’s baby stages but I’m adding content each week (Posting every Tuesday) and dreaming big about how God will use this to encourage you and me, His beloved daughters and heiresses of the Kingdom.  You can follow A Life of Simple Joys four different ways:

  1.  If you are a WordPress user just follow as usual.  Easy peasy.
  2. Subscribe via email.  The link is in the sidebar of the new blog.
  3. Follow on Twitter @lifesimplyjoy
  4. Follow in Instagram @alifeofsimplejoys.  This will be fun as I will be posting inspiration, quotes, scripture, etc almost every day.

And please communicate with me!  Comments are so helpful and I need you to share, share, share!  I will still be here at Words from the Northwoods as the Lord leads, telling stories and sharing what God shows me as I walk through life, but A Life of Simple Joys is going to be bigger, more focused, more interactive.

Thanks, friends!